North Carolina Articles of Incorporation Templates | North Carolina Secretary of State Corporations Division

The North Carolina Articles of Incorporation are a set of documents developed by the North Carolina Secretary of State for those wishing to form a corporate entity. Each entity type will have its own articles of incorporation and, therefore, own requirements to fulfill with this governing entity. When filing, a check or money order payment must accompany the filing. This must be made payable to "Secretary of State." Filing Fees will range from $25.00 to $250.00. Expediting services are available for an additional fee depending upon the level of service.

North Carolina Application for Certificate of Authority Foreign Nonprofit Corporation | Form N-09

North Carolina Application for Certificate of Authority Foreign Nonprofit Corporation | Form N-09

The North Carolina Application for Certificate of Authority Foreign Nonprofit Corporation | Form N-09 will need to be accepted and approved by the North Carolina Secretary of State Corporations Division whenever a foreign entity intends to operate as such an entity in this state. Virtually any qualifying foreign nonprofit corporation may apply for this certificate […]

North Carolina Articles of Incorporation for Domestic Profit Corporation | Form B-01

North Carolina Articles of Incorporation for Domestic Profit Corporation | Form B-01

The North Carolina Articles of Incorporation for Domestic Profit Corporation | Form B-01 requires several pieces of information which are required by the North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State Corporations Division. In order to fill out this form you will need such items readily available as a unique Name for the corporation being […]

North Carolina Articles of Incorporation Nonprofit Corporation | Form N-01

North Carolina Articles of Incorporation Nonprofit Corporation | Form N-01

The North Carolina Articles of Incorporation Nonprofit Corporation | Form N-01 will need to be filled out and approved by the North Carolina Secretary of State before an entity is allowed to operate as a nonprofit corporation in the State of North Carolina. There are many different types of nonprofit corporation, for instance the entity […]

The North Carolina Application for Certificate of Authority Foreign Profit Corporation| Form B-09

The North Carolina Application for Certificate of Authority Foreign Profit Corporation| Form B-09

The North Carolina Application for Certificate of Authority Foreign Profit Corporation | Form B-09 will grant foreign profit corporations the right to conduct business in the State of North Carolina if approved by the North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State. This application is a requirement of the State of North Carolina and it […]

How to File