Virginia Articles of Incorporation Templates | VA State Corporation Committee

The Virginia Articles of Incorporation must be submitted to the Office of the Clerk for the approval of the Virginia Corporation Commission. All entities, in this state, must follow the regulations set forth by this governing entity in order to form and operate. The successful registration of a corporate entity here will enable an entity to function as such. Various types of entities will have different requirements to fulfill in order for a successful filing and all will have to pay the filing fee ($75.00 - $2,500.00). This may be done by check if filing by mail or with a credit card if filing online. You may file by mail to State Corporation Commission, Office of the Clerk, P.O. Box 1197, Richmond, Virginia 23218-1197. If filing online, you will need a login and may do so here: All checks must be payable to State Corporation Commission.

Virginia Application for a Certificate of Authority to Transact Business in Virginia as a Foreign Corporation | Form SCC759

Virginia Application for a Certificate of Authority to Transact Business in Virginia as a Foreign Corporation | Form SCC759

The Virginia Application for a Certificate of Authority to Transact Business in Virginia as a Foreign Corporation | Form SCC759 is the form required, by the Virginia State Corporation Commission, of foreign corporations wishing to apply for a Certificate of Authority to act as a corporation in the State of Virginia. The filing entity or […]

Virginia Articles of Incorporation of a Virginia Nonstock Corporation | Form SCC819

Virginia Articles of Incorporation of a Virginia Nonstock Corporation | Form SCC819

The Virginia Articles of Incorporation of a Virginia Nonstock Corporation | Form SCC819 should be submitted to the Virginia State Corporation Commission when an entity wishing to incorporate is ready to satisfy the formation and registration requirements of a Virginia nonstock corporation. This form will include all the minimum provisions and information that must be […]

Virginia Articles of Incorporation of a Virginia Professional Stock Corporation | Form SCC631

Virginia Articles of Incorporation of a Virginia Professional Stock Corporation | Form SCC631

The Virginia Articles of Incorporation of a Virginia Professional Stock Corporation | Form SCC631 is a required submission by the Virginia State Corporation Commission when an entity wishes to incorporate as a professional corporation. This paperwork may be filled out and submitted directly to the Office of the Clerk as one whole document with no […]

Virginia Articles of Incorporation of a Virginia Stock Corporation | Form SCC619

Virginia Articles of Incorporation of a Virginia Stock Corporation | Form SCC619

The Virginia Articles of Incorporation of a Virginia Stock Corporation | Form SCC619 represents the minimum amount of information that must be registered with the Virginia State Corporation Commission when an entity wishes to incorporate. In many cases this may not be sufficient and additional information may need to be documented with this governing body. In […]

How to File